Providing You with Caring & Capable Representation

The loss of an arm, leg, foot, or hand is nothing less than devastating. The loss of a body part involves much more than just physical pain. This loss can be very damaging to a person’s sense of self. Despite the advances in prosthetic technologies, this type of loss will limit a person’s life in many ways. These limitations will impact your home life and your ability to support yourself and your family. If you or someone you love has lost a limb in an accident caused by another’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation for your loss. Although a successful lawsuit will not make you whole physically, it can help cover your medical expenses, present and future lost income, and other appropriate damages.

The Indianapolis lawyers at Jacobs Law fight for seriously injured people every day. Since 1976, injury lawyer Sam Jacobs has made it his mission to help people who have suffered catastrophic injuries. Sam is joined by Kimberly Danforth, who has more than 15 years of personal injury experience in her own right. Together, our injury attorneys and staff are committed to seeing justice served for our clients.

This type of limb loss can happen in a number of different circumstances. You may have lost a limb in an automobile accident or while at work. Whatever the cause, we will work diligently to build the strongest possible case on your behalf.

One of the biggest issues in personal injury claims involving this type of loss relates to calculating damages. If your injuries prevent you from working, your Indianapolis loss of lumb injury lawyer must be able to show to the insurance company, and possibly even a jury, the enormity of this loss. Our law firm has a strong record of results for our clients in both settlement negotiations and at trial.

Contact the Indianapolis Loss of Limb Injury Lawyers at Jacobs Law

If you or a loved one has suffered the loss of a limb, contact Jacobs Law online or call us at 317-344-8605.

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