Helping You Get Compensation After An Orthopedic Injury

Despite ever-increasing safety measures in newer model vehicles, motor vehicle accidents remain a leading cause of significant orthopedic injuries, particularly those injuries requiring surgery or hospitalization. Injury patterns commonly include a higher rate of fractures or dislocations of the lower extremities (ankles, knees, femurs and hips) in frontal impact crashes; pelvic fractures in the side or lateral impact collisions; and cervical spine injuries in rear-end collisions. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 2013 fact sheet, rear-end collisions tend to be less severe, accounting for only 6.1% of fatal crashes. However, injury can still occur even at low impact speeds. There are 206 bones in the human body and, unfortunately, few of them are actually protected from harm in a car crash.

At Jacobs Law LLC, our Indianapolis orthopedic injury attorneys have handled thousands of cases involving orthopedic injuries with all degrees of severity. We also have had numerous personal experiences with joint and bone injuries, and we know what it is like to miss time from work while recuperating from surgery. We know the pain of undergoing extended physical therapy, receiving injections by pain management specialists and wondering if it is possible to “get back to normal.” However, “back to normal” may be a long way off, or even unlikely. That is why it is important that you contact an injury attorney soon after your accident so that your case is handled with an eye toward how your injury may affect you weeks, months or even years after the accident.

If You Have Suffered An Orthopedic Injury, Contact Us Today

At Jacobs Law LLC, we place a priority on getting to know you and understanding the full impact of your injury on your life. We will fight for you to help you gain any compensation to which you may be entitled. Medical bills, pain, disabilities, inability to work and other important factors can be extremely stressful during this time.

Learn about your rights from an experienced Indianapolis orthopedic injury lawyer by calling 317-344-8605 or by contacting us online today and let us help you get started on the road to recovery.

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